
Finite-index subgroups of (P)SL(2,Integers)

Version 2.0.0
Released 2022-07-14

This project is maintained by Luca Leon Junk, Gabriela Weitze-Schmithüsen


Algorithms for computing with finite-index subgroups of (P)SL(2,Z)

This package implements finite-index subgroups of (P)SL(2,Z) and various algorithms for working with them. These subgroups are stored as tuples of permutations s and t which describe the action of the generator matrices

      ( 0 -1 )           ( 1 1 )
  S = ( 1  0 )  and  T = ( 0 1 )

on the right cosets.

Usage: Copy this folder into your GAP package directory (usually something like /opt/gap/gap4r8/pkg) and load it via


Usage example: The two main objects of this package are called ModularSubgroup and ProjectiveModularSubgroup. A ModularSubgroup can be constructed in two different ways:

The former option is recommended since the latter implicitly computes the coset graph from the generators which might be time-consuming. Moreover, no check is performed if the generated group actually has finite index!

Projective modular subgroups can be constructed either by specifying permutations like above and executing:

G := ProjectiveModularSubgroup(s,t);

Or they can be derived from subgroups in SL(2,Z) by projecting them to PSL(2,Z) via

H := Projection(G);

Having constructed a (projective) modular subgroup, you can apply the various operations this package implements (such as testing if the given group is a congruence subgroup via IsCongruence(G)). For more details and a full list of the provided operations, please refer to the documentation. One explicit example is given below:

# it is assumed that the package has been loaded as described above
gap> G := ModularSubgroup(
> (1,2,5,3)(4,8,10,9)(6,11,7,12),
> (1,4)(2,6)(3,7)(5,10)(8,12,9,11)
> );
<modular subgroup of index 12>
gap> IsCongruence(G);
gap> GeneratorsOfGroup(G);
[ [ [ 1, -2 ], [ 0, 1 ] ], [ [ 1, 0 ], [ 2, 1 ] ] ]
gap> GeneralizedLevel(G);
gap> Cusps(G);
[ infinity, 0, 1 ]